Release notes

Release notes

ULDigital Updates Dec 2024

December 2024

1. MUC & LUC Import – administrator only
2. MUC&LUC import numbers are Offline UCR numbers
3. Transfer screen to show system UCR and Offline numbers for better identification
4. Audits further enhanced to see changes to data and who actually did the changes
5. Enhanced messaging screens to better visualize new / unread messages

Release notes

ULDigital Updates 13th November 2024

1Fixed various presentation & display issues
2Transfer ListPerformance enhancements
3Forwarder summary reportImproved layout and presentation
4Create TransferImproved handling of invalid inputs
5ULD importImproved handling of invalid file data
6Data StructurePerformance and reliability improvements to internal structures
7Alert MessagesFixed ordering issues
8Transaction reportsEnabled quick filters for manager users

Release notes

ULDigital Updates 4th October 2024

1Duplicate ULD in transferReject duplicate ULD in the same transfer
2Void TransferAllows the initiating party to completely void the transfer up to 30 days from entry
3Message of the DayAdding picture functionality
4Mobile App User Manual added to website
5Interline Equipment DashboardsCan expand details by owe/owed/total separately
6Interline Equipment ReportsImproved default view and fixed filters
7Backdating TransfersTransfers can only be back dated 30 days
8Dispute cutoff dateDisputes can only be raised 30 days from transfer creation date, this allows for disputes on backdated transfers.
9ULD Management ScreenScreen resizing should be more uniform now and not wrap
10Organization LogoLogo upload support working for all organisations
11Demurrage report pageFixed filters and selection fields.
12Transfer Screen: Offline UCR NumberNumber must be in UCR format and have a valid prefix of either party airline code or 000.
13Transfer ScreenReposition the add file or picture button to right; improved data input flow for ULD; enable a count to reflect number of attachments
14Retired ULD SupportRetired ULD’s will show in old transfers and transactions; A retired ULD number cannot be returned to service.
15ULD Bulk Import functionAllow organisation admin users to upload their ULD lists via Excel Spreadsheet.
16ULD ScreenAdd bulk import button; renamed buttons for clarity; where owner count = 1 prepopulate owner field; ensure all ULD ID parts are displayed in upper case
17Transaction reportLimiting transactions managers can see to the airline they are impersonating
18Transfer Screen and UCR view screenMove “back” button and made button same colours for consistency
19Type Codes Management ScreenNew form to manage ULD Type Codes for demurrage and status (Admin only)
20ULD Condition Codes ManagementScreen updated for rules and sequencing
21Iphone app updatedImproved ULD lookup support, latest version number 1.0.7
22Android app updatedImproved ULD lookup support, latest version number 1.1.0

Release notes

ULDigital Updates 2nd September 2024

  • ULD’s that are left open over 180 days will automatically be set to Lost with demurrage charged.
  • After 15th September it will only be possible to backdate old transfers up to 30 days.
  • Message of the day will display important system news and announcements when logging in.
  • Manager users can now access and switch between all managed airlines from a single user account.
  • Demurrage report page has received multiple enhancements.
  • Full message history enables viewing previously read alert messages.
  • Disputes opened with no change requests made will be closed automatically after 2 weeks.
  • Sub Organisations can no longer be deleted, only deactivated. Future reactivation possible.
  • Transfer deletion disabled, Voiding transfers will be available in an upcoming release.
  • ULD deletion disabled, ULD retirement will be available in an upcoming release.

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